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AutoCAD - 3D models in DWG format
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27.12.2024 – Trachea - update 12/2024
1183 new 3D models of the Trachea door assortment, shapes: 02, 03, 13, 26, 27 >Trachea 3D<.
27.11.2024 – Hobis Update 11/2024
The Hobis brand made a complete revision 3D of office furniture. Acoustic boxes, containers, height adjustable tables, table accessories.
12.11.2024 – RAVAK - New water batteries of serie Chrome
Brand > Ravak < has expanded its offer of 3D models with water batteries serie Chrome .
24.9.2024 – Novaservis - update of Metalia 54
Novaservis brand update series of taps >Metalia 54< .
30.7.2024 – Sapeli - complete update of the 2024 assortment
The brand >Sapeli< has made an extensive update of 3D models, it is with the Elegant, Bergamo, Harmonie series and door frames. Currently, 495 door products are available in aco, dwg, max, 3ds, skp, obj.
26.7.2024 – Krajcar - product range update 07/2024
The brand >Krajcar< has carried out an extensive update 3D models and expanded the offer with 114 new models. There are currently 394 models available in formats such as dwg, max, 3ds.
4.6.2024 – Isan - range update 06/2024
The >Isan< brand has expanded its range of 3D models with the series Akros one, and expanded the offer in the Calypso, Miro and Akros with a hook series. There are currently 386 models available in aco, dwg, max, 3ds, dxf, o2c, skp, obj formats.
29.5.2024 – AEC-DATA 10.000.000
24.5.2024 at 16:06 a user from Germany downloaded the file 10st Perseus which was 10,000,000 in the order of file downloads from the server
29.4.2024 – Novaservis - Metalia 54 series
Novaservis brand introduced a new series of taps >Metalia 54< .
12.3.2024 – Users of the AEC-DATA server
The AEC-DATA server is used by a wide range of architects, planners and designers. We publish data usage statistics on the server according to the 3D software that users use. ArCon 41%, AutoCAD 7%, 3D studio 7%, Sketchup 6%, other software (ArchiCAD, Revit, Pro 100, Cad decor, Spirit, Alllplan ...) 39%. The server is used by users in 106 countries.
22.2.2024 – Zehnder update 02/2024
Značka >Zehnder< rozšířila nabídku 3D modelů o série Zehnder Aura Electric, Zehnder Tetris, Zehnder Zeta Electric. V současnosti je k dispozici 837 modelů ve formátech aco, dwg, max, 3ds, dxf, o2c, skp.
29.1.2024 – Isan - range update 01/2024
The >Isan< brand has expanded its range of 3D models with the series Life, Falco, Space, Mapia sky, Mapia sky plus, Quadrat sky, Quadrat sky plus, Club sky. Currently, 336 models are available in aco, dwg, max, 3ds, dxf, o2c, skp, obj formats.
6.12.2023 – Ravak - new series Life, Cool, Solar
The >Ravak< brand has expanded its range of 3D models to include of series: Life, Cool, Solar.
6.12.2022 – Solodoor - update 12/2022
The brand >Solodoor< has updated its range about new models of doors Klasik 9, Klasik 11, Styl 31, Styl 32 in all sizes. Textures have been expanded to include new surfaces, and existing textures have been revised. Currently, there are 402 door models in aco, dwg, dxf, 3ds, max, skp, obj, o2c formats with a complete range of textures for all surfaces.
24.11.2022 – Ravak - Nexty series and expanded the Puri, Chrome, Classic, Rose series
The >Ravak< brand has expanded its range of 3D models to include shower enclosures Nexty, and expanded the range of series: Puri faucets, bathroom furniture Chrome, Classic, Rose.
3.10.2022 – Isan - assortment update 09/2022
The brand >Isan< has expanded its offer of 3D models. There are currently 299 models available in aco, dwg, max, 3ds, dxf, o2c, skp, obj formats.
26.9.2022 – Ravak - Eleganta and Espirit series
The >Ravak< brand has expanded its offer of 3D models with a series of water Eleganta and Espirit batteries.
25.8.2022 – Isan - complete range update 08/2022
The brand >Isan< has completely changed the offer of 3D models. Currently, 240 models are available in aco, dwg, max, 3ds, dxf, o2c, skp, obj formats.
1.8.2022 – Zehnder - update 07/2022
The brand >Zehnder< has expanded its range of 3D models with the Fain series .
9.6.2022 – Ravak - news 2022
The > Ravak < brand has expanded its range of 3D models to include bathtubs, sinks, bathroom furniture, faucets.
6.6.2022 – Novaservis - series Titania Pure, Nobless Ego, Metalia 58
The brand > Novaservis < has launched a new series of Titania Pure, Nobless Ego and expanded the Metalia 58 series.
22.4.2022 – Solodoor - 3D door models
The brand > Solodoor < has published 3D door models, according to the offer year 2022. 386 door models in formats aco, dwg, 3ds, max, skp, obj, o2c with a complete offer of textures of all surfaces.
21.12.2021 – PF2022
Merry Christmas, satisfaction and health by 2022 wishes you SOFTconsult. We thank all our customers for their trust and support in 2021.
17.12.2021 – Zehnder update 12/2021
The brand > Zehnder < has expanded its range of 3D models by a series: Alban, Archibald, Arteplano Classic, Arteplano Premium, Arteplano Satin, Flow Form, Folio, Folio Belt, Folio Glass, Folio Hybrid, Chime, Splash.
14.12.2021 – Ravak - update 12/2021
The Ravak brand has expanded its range of 3D models with shower enclosures, bathtubs and screens, washbasins, bathroom furniture, sanitary ware, faucets.
6.10.2021 – Novaservis - Metalia 58 series
Novaservis brand introduced a new series of taps Metalia 58 .
2.8.2021 – Hobis - update 08/2021
The Hobis brand has performed a complete update of 3D office furniture models .
28.7.2021 – Office Pro - update 07/2021
The Office Pro brand has expanded its range of 3D models of chairs with new products a>.
15.7.2021 – Exner - update 07/2021
The Exner brand has expanded its range of 3D models of furniture with new products .
26.11.2020 – Riho - Update 11/2020
The Riho brand has expanded its range of 3D models with new products - the LUCID range of shower screens.
5.8.2020 – Riho - Update 08/2020
The Riho brand has expanded its range of 3D models with new products in the series: washbasins, bathtubs, shower trays and others.
23.7.2020 – Zehnder - update 07/2020
Zehnder's offer includes new 3D models in the series: Deseo Verso, Klaro Spa, Roda a Zeno.
15.5.2020 – Ravak - update 05/2020
The Ravak brand has expanded its range of 3D models with the sanitary ware and the water plumbing batteries.
11.5.2020 – Zehnder - update 05/2020
Zehnder's offer includes new 3D models in the series: Vision, Bluebell, Diva, Truva, Zeta, Kazeane.
20.3.2020 – Prowork - series Therapia Sense and Standi
Brand > Prowork < has released two new series of Therapia Sense and Standi with 3D chair models.
2.3.2020 – Riho - update 02/2020
The brand Riho has expanded its range of 3D models with a new series of shower enclosures > Grid < and about new bathtubs and shower trays.
23.12.2019 – PF 2020
Merry Christmas, satisfaction and health by 2020 wishes you SOFTconsult. We thank all our customers for their trust and support in 2019.
25.10.2019 – Riho - update 10/2019
Riho has expanded its range of 3D models with a new series of Novik shower screens.
15.5.2019 – Ravak - Update 05/2019
The Ravak brand has expanded 3D models with new shower enclosures, shower trays, drainage gutters, bathtubs, washbasins, bathroom furniture, sanitary ware and faucets.
29.3.2019 – Riho - update 03/2019
The Riho brand has added 3D new models to the series bathtubs, shower trays and shower screens Scandic M101 and S402.
18.3.2019 – Roltechnik - update 03/2019
Brand Roltechnik has updated 3D models in series: Tower line, Lega line, Lega lift line, Proxima line, Exclusive line, Hitech line, Kinedoor line, Ambient line, Elegant neo line, Elegant line.
5.2.2019 – Riho - update 01/2019
The Riho brand has expanded the range of 3D models with the new serie Scandic shower enclosure.
20.11.2018 – Novatronic - Update of the 3D catalog of the assortment
Completely new 3D catalog of office furniture Novatronic.
19.11.2018 – Zehnder - Zenia, the new series in 3D
a new series Zenia of 3D models Zehnder was published on the server
8.11.2018 – Updating general objects for ArCon
3D General Models, New Series: Children's Toys, Living Room, Bedrooms and Other New Objects.
7.11.2018 – Eden CZ - 3D complete new catalog
The brand Eden CZ completely innovated 3D models of bathroom furniture.
1.10.2018 – Antares - 3D models of chairs
The Antares International brand has ordered a complete revision of their 3D models. The entire Antares assortment is now available on our AEC-DATA server after update.
25.7.2018 – Jet Dryer - New Models
The Jet Dryer brand has extended the 3D models of the dryer.
25.6.2018 – Hein - the new series Exclusive and Variant
The Hein brand has extended 3D models of tiled stove about two new Exclusive and Variant series.
13.4.2018 – Prowork series Therapia
New Prowork brand and Therapia series with 3D models of chairs.
13.4.2018 – Zehnder - Kazeane
The new series Kazeane for the Zehnder brand.
13.4.2018 – Ravak - update 04/2018
Ravak has expanded 3D models in the sortiment bathroom furniture, bathtubs, shower trays, wash basins.
13.4.2018 – Riho - update 04/2018
The brand Riho has expanded its 3D models about 22 new products.
25.1.2018 – Laufen's new series Ino and Val
In the Laufen brand are new Ino and Val series with 3D formats for designers and architects.
20.12.2017 – PF 2018
Merry Christmas, satisfaction and health by 2018 wishes you SOFTconsult. We thank all our customers for their trust and support in 2017.
1.11.2017 – Zehnder models for ArchiCAD
New 3D models for ArchiCAD of the brand Zehnder in series: Quaro, Vitalo, Metropolitan, Charleston.
1.11.2017 – Novaservis brand update
New 3D models of Novaservis in series: Metalia, Nobless Edge, Nobless Quadro, Nobless Oval, Nobless Sharp.
1.11.2017 – Chair of brand Bestuhl - new brand on aec-data
34 models of the brand Bestuhl- optimized 3D models of chairs.
1.9.2017 – RIHO - Update of serie the Shower tray
Updating 3D models of the brand RIHO, series shower tray and washbasin.
21.8.2017 – Updating the brand JIKA
Update of 3D branded models in series Deep by Jika, Mio, Rio and a new assortment of concealed systems.
8.8.2017 – New chairs Lacerta, Merope, Karma
The brand Office Pro has new chair models: Lacerta, Merope, Karme.
18.7.2017 – Updating JIKA 3D models
Updating JIKA 3D models in series Cubito N, Cubito Pure, Diverse, Golem, Lyra Plus, Mio, Mio N, Module, Padana, Pure, Rio.
3.7.2017 – Updating the brand Ravak
The brand Ravak has expanded the offer with new models, serie the drains and gullies.
30.6.2017 – New chairs Themis
The brand Office Pro has new models of the Themis chairs
13.6.2017 – Zehnder update 05/2017
New products of brand Zehnder in series Comfo, Forma Asym, Charleston Electric, Kleo Bar, Ovida, Ovida Bow, Roda, Virando Hanger, Vision.
12.6.2017 – AEC-DATA - Current news on FB
If you are a Facebook user, you can give the AEC-DATA page tracking, that has existed for many years. You'll get news info instantly. We send new report only twice a year, to we do not to full your mailbox. > Address at FB aec-data <
24.5.2017 – 3D AEC-DATA is provided by the CAD forum portal now provides 3D Autodesk formats on the ><
7.4.2017 – Chairs Office Pro - redesign
Chairs of the brand Office Pro have been updated.
7.4.2017 – The brand Hobis has new products - Acoustic screens
Updating of the brand Hobis about the system Acoustic screens.
6.4.2017 – New series Aretti from the brand Aksamite
The brand Aksamite has extended its offer by 25 new models. This is a series of sofas Aretti.
6.4.2017 – Wash Basins the Natural of brand Ravak
The brand RAVAK expanded its range about new wash basins the Natural.
8.2.2017 – Update of the brand Ravak
The Ravak has extended its offer by 36 new models. Enlargement are in these series: Shower trays and battery 10 °, sinks Moon and Rosa, Shower enclosures Blix, bathroom furniture Classic Chrome Rosa, water taps Chrome and Thermo
5.2.2017 – IFC data
the server AEC-DATA expands information and formats. Products are with available IFC parameters and are now also products in IFC files.
20.12.2016 – PF 2017
Merry Christmas, satisfaction and health by 2017 wishes you SOFTconsult. We thank all our customers for their trust and support in 2016.
9.12.2016 – AEC-DATA - Whence are our users and which they used software
In the currently the server AEC-DATA is used in 66 states and users work in twelve 3D software.
1.11.2016 – Downloaded 6,000,000 th file from the AEC-DATA
October 21, 2016 3:47:38 p.m. (Prague time) was downloaded 6,000,000 th 3D file from the AEC-DATA. User from France downloaded product the brand Gato. 3D file in format for ArCon was blinds.
22.7.2016 – RIHO - expanded about new formats .OBJ and .SKP
The mark RIHO expanded its range of 3D formats for its products about .OBJ and .SKP (SketchUp).
22.6.2016 – Updates 3D data of the brand Jika
The brand JIKA expanded 3D models in the series Dino, Pure, Mio, Olymp Deep, Zeta.
20.6.2016 – Products Zehnder - Ab for Revit
for Revit BIM software is ready families series Ab.
27.5.2016 – Update 3D models MK Profi
In the brand MK Profi stove was added 169 new products.
9.5.2016 – Update general objects
General objects are enhanced in category bathroom, kitchen, flowers.
6.5.2016 – New 3D models of the brand Ravak
New 3D data of the company Ravak. There was added 55 new products in the format aco, 3ds, o2c, dwg 2d / 3d, max, dxf.
5.5.2016 – Update of 3D models the brand Zehnder
to the brand Zehnder - designer radiators are added the new series Fare Tech, Forma Asym, Klara, Roda Spa Asym.
3.5.2016 – New 3D models of brand RIHO
Assortment of brand RIHO has been updated about new bathtubs, shower trays, bolsters.
27.1.2016 – Increase download 3D objects in 2015
The number of downloaded 3D files increased by 32% In 2015 compare to 2014. It was 1,047,931 files, which is an absolute record for the number of files downloaded per year.
23.12.2015 – Update of 3D models the brand Jelinek - manufacture furniture
Products the brand Jelinek - manufacture furniture were updated. 3D objects for new series Lara, Bruno, Raminta .
23.12.2015 – PF 2016
Merry Christmas, satisfaction and health by 2016 wishes you SOFTconsult. We thank all our customers for their trust and support in 2015.
7.11.2015 – 5 millionth file was downloaded from the AEC-DATA
6/11/2015 9:08:55 p.m. (Prague time) was downloaded 5 millionth file from the server AEC-DATA. User from Moscow downloaded the 3D file in format for ArCon from the brand Laufen, series Laufen Pro, number 230950 .
2.11.2015 – AEC-DATA introduced sorting by SfB and UNSPSC
The server AEC-DATA performs classification products according to two standards SfB and UNSPSC. The United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) code products and services for use in eCommerce. System CI / SfB classification is widely used in construction since the 70s of the 20th century.
30.10.2015 – Update 3D models of brands Jika and Roca
The brand Jika is extended about series Tanza, the brand Roca is complemented by new products.
28.10.2015 – AEC-DATA provides over 100,000 files for the AEC / CAD / BIM software
Server AEC-DATA provides over 100,000 files for the AEC / CAD / BIM software and over 34,000 products from manufacturers. During 15 years, the AEC-DATA server provides support for proposals buildings and interiors in 3D software.
27.10.2015 – Kaldewei - complete update of 3D models
Kaldewei brand has undergone a complete revision of 3D models. Update includes 230 new models.
23.10.2015 – Database for TILER - Lasselsberger 2016 - Revision 10/2015
Database installation, tiling Lasselsberger 2016 (RAKO HOME and RAKO OBJECT) - TILER for ArCon. Database, textures, and a large number of new models are available for download at
14.10.2015 – 3D models from the brand Jelinek - manufacture furniture
The brand Jelinek has published a new update complete assortment. The whole update contains only new series and objects.
7.10.2015 – Update 3D models the brand Aksamite
Update sofas of the brand Aksamite. The new 3D data in a series Arcus and Boxspring.
21.9.2015 – The new version of the program AEC-DATA download 1.5
We published a new version (1.5) of the program, this version works in a safest mode communication. You install update from the following address: AEC-DATA download setup .
17.9.2015 – The update of 3D data of the brand JIKA - series Cubito N
The brand JIKA extended the offer of their 3D models about series Cubito N.
1.9.2015 – The new technology for the display of 3D objects
On the server we have implemented new technology to the 3D view of the product. Now there is no need to install any plugin support. Preview on some products is at website > 3D configurators < B> .
5.8.2015 – 3D Ravak - new series Clear and Ring
New 3D objects from the company Ravak. They added new series Clear and Ring, which include washbasin and bathroom furniture.
2.7.2015 – Free mass downloading from the server
The company SOFTconsult is operator server This year celebrates 20 years since its founding. On the occasion of this anniversary the company SOFTconsult releases the software AEC-DATA download for free mass downloading. The software AEC-DATA download allows you to downloading of bulk data in a selected graphical format and the limit is 400 MB per day. We wish you pleasent work with that software.
19.5.2015 – Update general objects and brands Jika, Hobis
General objects are enhanced about category home electronics, living room, sliding doors. Jika added a serie the Art, brand Hobis added a supplement Pc belt.
16.4.2015 – General 3D objects - Update
General object - section flowers is extended by the offer of indoor plants.
4.4.2015 – Updates 3D libraries Zehnder
for Brand Zehnder - designer radiators are added of a new series Ab, Abt, Ax, Cortina, Cortina plus, Excelsior, Kleo, Kleo ritmo, Kleo spa, Nova, Orbis, Sfera, Stratos and was updated serie Charleston.
30.3.2015 – Update brands Laufen and Jika
The brand Laufen has new series CityPlus, CurvePlus, TwinPlus and new products in the serie Kartell. The brand Jika has updated a serie Pure.
17.2.2015 – Ravak 2015
The 3D data of the company Ravak was completely reorganized. There were added a new series of 10 degrees and new products in the series Blix, Smartline, Walk-in, Matrix, Classic Chrome, Evolution, Termo, Rosa.
20.1.2015 – Update the 3D libraries Laufen
New products in series the brand Laufen: Cleanet, Frame 25, Hijet, Kartell, Laufen Pro, Laufen Pro S, Living, Palomba collection.
19.1.2015 – Update the 3D libraries of brands Hobis, Exner, Office Pro
An extensive update of brands Hobis, Exner, Office Pro.
22.12.2014 – PF 2015
Merry Christmas, satisfaction and health by 2015 wishes you SOFTconsult. We thank all our customers for their trust and support in 2014.
16.10.2014 – Updating 3D libraries Jika
In the brand Jika is new series Lyra pack and a new product in a series of Zeta.
15.10.2014 – Update the brand Antares and General objects
New chair the Antares Strike, and in category of general objects is a new category of objects presentation technique and category lights is extension about new objects.
29.9.2014 – Updating 3D libraries of brand Zehnder
Brand Zehnder has a new series Samika, Silent, Zcv2 - design radiators.
8.9.2014 – Updating 3D libraries Jika
New products of series Olympus Deep and Pure the brand Jika are published on the
15.8.2014 – Update 3D libraries Kerkotherm for tiled stoves
New products and updates 3D objects for tiled stoves of brand Kerkotherm are posted on the site
28.7.2014 – Laufen has a new series Kartell
3D objects a series Kartell of the brand Laufen are published.
14.7.2014 – Update radiators of brand ISAN
We have prepared an update 3D radiators of brand ISAN and reorganization series Isan.
11.7.2014 – The update of general 3D objects
Sections general objects are supplemented by vaults.
4.7.2014 – Updating 3D libraries of brand Zehnder
Brand Zehnder has a new series Impa - design radiators.
9.6.2014 – Updating 3D libraries Krajcar - bathroom furniture
New series and brand products Krajcar: 2ka, Additional cabinets, K Pro S, Kz Zenon, Lx Al Luxury, Luxury Lx, Pkg Push, Pm Pmc, Shelf, T Top, Handles, The sink plate, Mirrors Uni Klasa.
6.6.2014 – Updating 3D libraries Aksamite
in brand Aksamite - Sofas and couches are new models: new series Amax, Animo, Apostol.
22.5.2014 – Updating general 3D objects
Sections general objects supplemented about new files bath, pianos, boilers and equipment manufacturing plants.
20.5.2014 – Updating 3D libraries Jika
in brand Jika are new models: new series Clear - bathroom mirrors and shower Tigo.
19.5.2014 – Updating 3D libraries brands Ravak
On the server are published an updated 3D models of Ravak - new products in series Chrome and new bath Freedom.
7.5.2014 – Updating 3D libraries Hobis - office furniture
New series marks Hobis: Uni and Motion Ergo.
9.4.2014 – 3D libraries Exner
We have prepared a new 3D libraries furniture > Exner<. 3D libraries are optimized for ArCon 14 in 2D and 3D views.
9.4.2014 – Updating 3D libraries Laufen
New products >Laufen< in a series Laufen Pro S.
28.1.2014 – Updating 3D libraries Krajcar - bathroom furniture
The new series for brand > Krajcar <: Cubito Practik, PRO Practik, KA Atria, KG Geo, KNP Palace, KPL Plazma, KQ Quatro, KZ Zenon.
20.12.2013 – 3D libraries of the brand Hein
on the server is published 3D catalog of the brand >Hein< - manufacturer of tiled stove.
16.11.2013 – 3D CAD library of the brand ArtCeram
on the server is published 3D catalog of new brand >Artceram< . Product sanitary ware.
15.11.2013 – Updating 3D libraries Laufen
New products of the brand > Laufen < in series: Palace, Lb3, Lb3 classic, Lb3 design, Lb3 modern, Case case plus, Living.
17.10.2013 – Updating 3D libraries Laufen
New products brand > Laufen < in series Laufen pro, Palace, Palomba collection, Lb3, Case, case plus, Living.
17.10.2013 – Updating 3D libraries Jika
New products brand > Jika < in series Tigo, Cube, Cubito, Pure, Zeta, Olympus, Module.
23.9.2013 – 3D CAD library of brand SanSwiss
on the server is published new 3D catalogs of brand >SanSwiss<. These are products Shower Enclosures and tubs.
31.7.2013 – 3D CAD library of brand Dřevojas
on the server is published new 3D catalogs of brand >Dřevojas<. Products are from area the Bathroom Furniture.
22.7.2013 – 3D CAD library of brand Hausdorf
on the server is published new 3D catalogs of brand >Hausdorf<. Products are from area the funerary architecture.
29.5.2013 – Updating 3D library of brand MK Profi
On the server is published an updated 3D catalogs brand > MK Profi < - manufacture of tiled stove.
20.5.2013 – 3D libraries brands of Hobis and Office Pro
Office equipment brands > Hobis: 3D Library and > Office Pro: 3D Library in format for ArCon (. aco) are available for download.
12.5.2013 – Updating 3D library of brand Ravak
On the server is published an updated 3D catalogs brand > Ravak < - new series Chrome.
30.3.2013 – Updating 3D library of brand Zehnder
On the server is published an updated 3D catalogs brand > Zehnder < - design radiators.
18.3.2013 – Great updates on
On the server aec-data are new brands Della Rovere, Intermont, Donner and Jet Dryer. Brand Jika was updated. General 3D-objects were extended of new objects. We recommend for search of new 3D objects to use the filter (top left).
23.1.2013 – 3D configurators to the new website
The company SOFTconsult has created an extensive website of groups Office Pro for the brand Hobis - office furniture. 3D models of furniture were used in the 3D configurator individual products ><.
22.1.2013 – Updating 3D library of brand Novatronic
We have published an updated 3D catalog of Czech brand >Novatronic< on server .
21.12.2012 – 3D objects of the brand Montero
on the server is published new 3D catalog Czech brand > Montero < , home furniture for bedrooms, children's and student rooms, living rooms.
20.12.2012 – Updating 3D libraries graphics files of the brand Laufen
on the server >< is published updating of 3D objects LAUFEN of famous brand from branch sanitary ware.
14.12.2012 – 3D library of children furniture from the company Furniture Čilek
Children's furniture from the company >Furniture Čilek< is available for download in format for ArCon (files . aco).
19.11.2012 – Updating 3D libraries of the brand Hansgrohe
Update extensive of the 3D library (1749 products) the brand Hansgrohe in format for ArCon ( files. aco) and for other formats dwg, dxf, max, 3ds is available for download in the section >Hansgrohe< .
16.11.2012 – New 3D library of Interior Říčany
Office equipment brand > Interior Říčany: 3D Library in format for ArCon (. aco) is available for download.
6.9.2012 – Updating 3D libraries of radiators from company ISAN
We have prepared for the company ISAN update 3D libraries of radiators in formats aco, dwg, max, 3ds. ISAN entire library is available on our site at this address 3D radiators ISAN .
4.9.2012 – Update of the brands: Roca, Jika, Laufen
Brand Roca was uploaded in 3D formats aco, dwg, max, 3ds, dxf on our server. New products were added and completely other formats for brands Jika and Laufen.
4.9.2012 – 3D libraries of company RIM-CZ
We prepared for company RIM-CZ new 3D libraries of objects chairs and armchairs in formats aco, dwg, max, 3ds, dxf. All libraries of RIM are available on our server to link 3D chairs RIM-CZ .
27.7.2012 – 3D libraries Jika and Laufen
3D libraries Jika and Laufen were completely updated. We sorted products at the current name series and rename serial number. We are preparing a 3D library of new products.
19.7.2012 – Update of the brands: Antares, Riho, Ravak
Antares brand expanded its range of office furniture. Brand Riho has now completely reworked 3D library. Ravak rozšířil sérii Briliant. Brand Ravak is extended by a new series of products Brilliant.
3.7.2012 – The CD Monumento for ArCon
3D catalog of objects for the design of monuments and graves. 3D objects and textures for ArCon enable efficient creation of 3D design monuments in ArCon.
18.6.2012 – The new 3D library of radiators from Zehnder Group
We have created a new library of designer radiators: 330 pieces 3D objects in formats aco, dwg, max, 3ds, dxf. 3D library was prepare for the company Zehnder Group. The entire library is available on our server .
2.5.2012 – Update of the brand RAVAK
Offer of the brand RAVAK was expanded by 37 new 3D objects in format aco, max, 3ds, dwg, dxf.
2.5.2012 – New 3D library: Blinds and roller blinds GATO
We have created a new library 446 objects of format aco, dwg, max, 3ds for Gato Company Ltd. The entire library is available on our server
10.3.2012 – The new database for ArCon of brand RAKO.
We created the database for ArCon - Tiler, Fliesen, Area designer, collection RAKO 2012.
17.9.2011 – New 3D library: Bathroom furniture brand Krajcar
We have created for company Krajcar Ltd. of new 3D library, 725 objects in formats aco, dwg, max, 3ds. The entire library is now available on our server
26.9.2011 – New 3D library: Office furniture brand Intebo
We have created new 3D library for Intebo, 176 objects in formats aco. The entire library is now available on our server
23.9.2011 – Ravak-update
Brand Ravak has been updated in serie Blix and Fineline.
23.9.2011 – Roltechnik - complete update
3d objects of brand Rolltechnik been completely updated. Now available 157 3D objects in formats aco, dwg, max on server
23.9.2011 – New 3D library: Office furniture brand Novatronic
We have created new 3D library for Novatronic, 382 objects in formats aco, dwg, max, 3ds. The entire library is now available on our server
19.9.2011 – New 3D library: Seating furniture brand Resa
We have created for company Resa Ltd. of new 3D library, 356 objects in formats aco, dwg, max, 3ds. The entire library is now available on our server
4.7.2011 – PolySystem: 3D objects of brands Artceram and Hatria are published.
For PolySytem we have prepared 3D objects of brands Artceram and Hatria. We created 3D objects in formats for ArCon (. Aco), AutoCAD (. Dwg) 3D Studio (. Max) which are made public from 04.07.2011.
15.6.2011 – Krajcar - bathroom furniture
For the Czech producer of bathroom furniture, Krajcar Company Ltd., have began preparing an extensive catalog of 3D objects. The catalog will include around 650 of bathroom cabinets.
15.6.2011 – Resa, Hatria, Artceram - upcoming brand
We are currently preparing catalogs of other manufacturers. This is a brand Resa - sofas and Hatria Artceram - sanitary ceramics. The publication of the 3D AEC-DATA server you will be duly informed.
6.6.2011 – AEC-DATA 2011
On 6th of June 2011, the SOFTconsult company launched a new version of the server. The 3D server provides about 15,000 products for 3D graphics systems ArCon (.aco), AutoCAD (.dwg), and 3D-Studio (.max), in total 40,000 files for the AEC/CAD software. SOFTconsult has been developing the AEC-DATA project since 1996. Since then, we have been preparing 3D models of individual Czech and foreign manufacturers for the huge community of AEC/CAD software users. In about 15 years we have produced over 100 CD titles with data for AEC/CAD software and about 40 presentation CDs for different interior and construction industry manufacturers. These can also be found in Internet presentations of many manufacturers.
Mass downloading
Software for mass downloading multiple models