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3D configurators

Examples for using 3D models for web publishing and web configuration

Office Pro Configurator

The 3D configurator for Hobis office furniture is a widget which links 3D models on a website with a product options database – in this case the options are different color surfaces. Linking the 3D model with the web database enables a wide range of business and marketing advantages. To begin with, it provides the customer with a complete picture of color options of the product. The customer can also calculate the price according to the selected color combinations. Moreover, customers can save the selected product configuration directly to their computers.

Ergonomic desk, left 180*120 cm - CE 1800 L

Zobrazit konfigurátor

Configuration, right 180 cm - GE 1800 HR P

Zobrazit konfigurátor

Door cabinet with shelves 192*80 cm - SZ 5 80 07

Zobrazit konfigurátor

3D configurators sample on the AEC-DATA server


Mass downloading

Software for mass downloading multiple models

More information


3D planner3D planner



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