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AutoCAD - 3D models in DWG format
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Bathroom Facilities (17282)Ravak (1072)Shower enclosures - cool (6)Water taps - life (6)Water taps - solar (6)Washbasins - ceramic (8)Shower enclosures - supernova (83)Shower enclosures - 10° (6)Shower enclosures - nexty (7)Shower enclosures - blix (12)Shower enclosures - blix slim (4)Shower enclosures - rapier (22)Shower enclosures - pivot (22)Shower enclosures - chrome (14)Shower enclosures - smartline (9)Shower enclosures - briliant (45)Shower enclosures - walk-in (4)Shower enclosures - matrix (3)Shower trays - 10° (11)Shower trays - galaxy pro (24)Shower trays - galaxy (28)Shower trays - kaskada (27)Shower trays - chrome (9)Shower trays - accessories (4)Shower seats (4)Hydro-massage systems (9)Bathtubs and bathtub screens (184)Umyvadla - yard (11)Washbasins - 10° (7)Washbasins - moon (5)Umyvadla - balance (1)Umyvadla - veda (2)Washbasins - solo (2)Washbasins - natural (3)Umyvadla - uni (3)Washbasins - clear (2)Washbasins - formy (4)Washbasins - ring (2)Washbasins - chrome (9)Washbasins - classic (10)Washbasins - rosa (10)Washbasins - praktik (6)Washbasins - evolution (1)Washbasins - avocado (4)Washbasins - behappy (5)Washbasins - bath gallery (1)Washbasins - accessories (4)Bathroom furniture - 10° (6)Koupelnový nábytek - balance (5)Koupelnový nábytek - step (3)Koupelnový nábytek - veda (1)Bathroom furniture - sud (1)Bathroom furniture - behappy (2)Bathroom furniture - natural (8)Bathroom furniture - clear (5)Bathroom furniture - ring (6)Bathroom furniture - classic (23)Bathroom furniture - chrome (22)Bathroom furniture - rosa (18)Bathroom furniture - praktik (4)Bathroom furniture - evolution (5)Bathroom furniture - formy (9)Sanitary ceramics (21)Vodovodní baterie - flat (9)Water taps - 10° (17)Water taps - 10° accessories (14)Water taps - Eleganta (16)Water taps - Espirit (21)Vodovodní baterie - puri (9)Vodovodní baterie - td free (12)Water taps - chrome (38)Water taps - chrome accessories (14)Water taps - termo (10)Water taps - self-standing (4)Water taps - neo (8)Water taps - rosa (10)Water taps - suzan (8)Water taps - kitchen (4)Water taps - other (40)Drains and gullies (30)Water taps - bidet (4)Water taps - classic (9)Water taps - dual systems (5)Water taps - washbasins (2)Krajcar (396)Trachea (5697)Zehnder (792)Isan (386)Novaservis (183)Riho (621)Roth (163)Jika (305)Laufen (765)Eden CZ (68)Hansgrohe (1747)Kaldewei (425)SanSwiss (1445)ArtCeram (100)Roca (187)Alcaplast (173)Donner (4)Ellux (76)Geberit (14)Hueppe (228)Le Bon (525)Oras (71)PolySystem (146)Rubidea (72)Sanitec (1539)Sanjet (5)Sanotti (5)Santech (15)Vagnerplast (57)Office equipment (3809)Home Furniture (6869)Heating systems - fireplaces, stoves, radiators (3093)Doors for interiors and furniture (6486)Kitchen Equipment (5782)School Furniture (327)Accessories (476)Cloakroom equipment (4)Lamps (2)View by Brand
3D Download / Bathroom Facilities / Ravak
Order: Brand/Series Name Date
Number of 3D models found: 1072
Ravak / Drains and gullies / Ozw ravak chrome 750 (750x60x17)
Ravak / Drains and gullies / Ozw ravak runway 750 (750x60x17)
Ravak / Drains and gullies / Oz 10° 1050 - nerez (1111x121x17)
Ravak / Drains and gullies / Oz 10° 300 - nerez (361x121x17)
Ravak / Drains and gullies / Oz 10° 750 - nerez (811x121x17)
Ravak / Drains and gullies / Oz 10° 850 - nerez (911x121x17)
Ravak / Drains and gullies / Oz 10° 950 - nerez (1011x121x17)
Ravak / Drains and gullies / Oz chrome 750 - nerez (811x121x17)
Ravak / Drains and gullies / Oz runway 300 - nerez (359x119x17)
Ravak / Drains and gullies / Oz runway 750 - nerez (811x121x17)
Ravak / Drains and gullies / Oz runway 850 - nerez (909x119x17)
Ravak / Drains and gullies / Ozp zebra 750 - plast (808x121x15)
Ravak / Drains and gullies / Ozp zebra 850 - plast (908x121x15)
Ravak / Drains and gullies / Ozw 10° 850 - nerez (909x106x50)
Ravak / Drains and gullies / Ozw 10° 950 - nerez (1009x106x57)
Ravak / Drains and gullies / Ozw chrome 1050 - nerez (1109x106x50)
Ravak / Drains and gullies / Ozw chrome 850 - nerez (909x106x50)
Ravak / Drains and gullies / Ozw chrome 950 - nerez (1009x106x50)
Ravak / Drains and gullies / Ozw runway 1050 - nerez (1109x106x57)
Ravak / Drains and gullies / Ozw runway 850 - nerez (909x106x50)
Ravak / Drains and gullies / Ozw runway 950 - nerez (1109x106x57)
Ravak / Drains and gullies / Ozw ravak runway 950 (1009x106x50)
Ravak / Drains and gullies / Sn501 105 x 105 - nerez (220x220x108)
Ravak / Hydro-massage systems / Totem cobra (247x562x1295)
Ravak / Hydro-massage systems / Totem jet (566x237x1655)
Ravak / Hydro-massage systems / Totem magnetic (376x474x1476)
Ravak / Hydro-massage systems / Totem nautilus (522x307x1592)
Ravak / Hydro-massage systems / Totem scorpion (300x398x1255)
Ravak / Hydro-massage systems / Totem jet glass (455x502x1564)
Ravak / Hydro-massage systems / Totem jet inox (255x474x1611)
Ravak / Hydro-massage systems / Jet light sprchovy panel (234x606x1426)
Ravak / Hydro-massage systems / Jet pure sprchovy panel (274x482x1553)
Ravak / Koupelnový nábytek - balance / Deska balance 1200 (1196x466x16)
Ravak / Koupelnový nábytek - balance / Sb balance 400 (400x175x1600)
Ravak / Koupelnový nábytek - balance / Sd balance 600 (597x464x516)
Ravak / Koupelnový nábytek - balance / Vesak rucniku balance l (76x466x82)
Ravak / Koupelnový nábytek - balance / Vesak rucniku balance r (76x466x82)
Ravak / Koupelnový nábytek - step / Mc step 1000 (1012x151x746)
Ravak / Koupelnový nábytek - step / Sb step 430 (435x294x1622)
Ravak / Koupelnový nábytek - step / Sd step 1000 (1010x546x308)
Ravak / Koupelnový nábytek - veda / Sd 400 + umyvatko veda slim (405x225x550)
Ravak / Sanitary ceramics / Chrome bidet (361x531x295)
Ravak / Sanitary ceramics / Chrome ovládací tlačítko (247x5x165)
Ravak / Sanitary ceramics / Chrome wc (366x532x388)
Ravak / Sanitary ceramics / Instalační modul g 1200 ravak (510x251x1176)
Ravak / Sanitary ceramics / Instalační modul w 1000 ravak (448x252x1050)
Ravak / Sanitary ceramics / Sedátko ravak slim (360x455x55)
Ravak / Sanitary ceramics / Bidet chrome závěsný white (359x527x300)
Ravak / Sanitary ceramics / Instalační modul pro bidet 1200 (148x510x1174)
Ravak / Sanitary ceramics / Tlačítko ravak white (247x5x165)
Ravak / Sanitary ceramics / Wc chrome rimoff závěsný white (359x529x347)
Ravak / Sanitary ceramics / Wc classic rimoff závěsný white (363x531x344)
Ravak / Sanitary ceramics / Wc sedátko classic slim white (360x453x51)
Ravak / Sanitary ceramics / Wc sedátko classic white (370x460x50)
Ravak / Sanitary ceramics / Instalační modul pro bidet (277x511x1120)
Ravak / Sanitary ceramics / Wc modul g do sádrokartonu (510x270x1120)
Ravak / Sanitary ceramics / Wc modul w k obezdění (455x227x1050)
Ravak / Sanitary ceramics / Wc sedátko classic (367x450x51)
Ravak / Sanitary ceramics / Bidet uni chrome zavesny (363x528x306)
Ravak / Sanitary ceramics / Wc ovladaci tlacitko twin (249x166x5)
Mass downloading
Software for mass downloading multiple models
28.2.2025 – AEC-DATA - 25 years
The AEC-DATA server was launched 25 years ago. On February 29, 2000, our server was presented to our partners and journalists. The science fiction writer Ondřej Neff gave the opening speech and baptized our efforts. It turned out that science fiction had become reality. Today, we have users in 106 countries, and we are part of the 3D support for designers at several multinational companies.
27.2.2025 – Trachea - update 02/2025
1504 new 3D models of the Trachea door assortment, shapes: 03B, 15, 29, D08, D09, D10, D11, P08, P09, P10, P11 >Trachea 3D<.
27.12.2024 – Trachea - update 12/2024
1183 new 3D models of the Trachea door assortment, shapes: 02, 03, 13, 26, 27 >Trachea 3D<.
27.11.2024 – Hobis Update 11/2024
The Hobis brand made a complete revision 3D of office furniture. Acoustic boxes, containers, height adjustable tables, table accessories.